Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bill Lipe at CHVC

So I just got back from the Glen Canyon Lecture Series talk with Bill Lipe. He had lots of very pretty photos and some interesting insights into the Glen Canyon salvage project. Perhaps the most interesting to me (since I asked the question) was about what he would do different. He said that he would focus more on the Archaic and doing radiocarbon dating. The big insight was this though - research design is important. The answers are in the ground if you know what questions to ask.
What do I take away from that? Without knowing the questions, you can't extract data. But if the site is dug up and destroyed, any questions remain unanswerable. Just one more reason we need to protect these places.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bill Lipe @ CHVC Tomorrow

Well tomorrow as part of the Glen Canyon Lecture Series, Bill Lipe will be presenting his talk about archeology in Glen Canyon at 7pm. Glen Canyon's archaeology is sort of the ultimate tale of sites that are totally gone. I plan on being there, and hopefully some of you other Pageites can get out and show up to see Bill's take on what it means to totally and completely lose a site for all time. Hopefully we can take some lessons away from this and here some good field stories too! I'll whip up a review of the talk when its all over and done with.